The Certified Energy Manager®

Certified Measurement and Verification Professional

Association of Energy Engineers

Chief Engineer Visa, Steamship or Motor Ship

Given that shipowners can no longer ignore the environmental issues when making financial and economic decisions, GHGES Marine Solutions provides its clients with simple and cost-effective solutions for reducing fuel consumption and thereby reduce their greenhouse gases emissions.
We offer a personalized approach that is tailored to each ship and focused on seafarers.
GHGES Marine Solutions is a company composed of marine chief engineers and certified energy experts that have the following designations: Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (PCMV), and member of the Association of Energy Engineers (EEA), and who specialize in energy efficiency and GHG emissions reduction.
The company has developed a unique approach for implementing energy efficiency management programs in the maritime sector. We have carried out more than 125 projects on dozens of ships.
Climate change is an issue of serious concern that requires us to react quickly by making adjustments to our processes and procedures.
Today, thanks to the financial assistance programs of the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ), there is an opportunity for Québec-based shipowners to take a further step toward reducing GHG emissions.
As a result of the monitoring mechanisms put in place by the MTQ, energy savings will be measured, quantified and proven, thereby lessening financial risk for shipowners and, at the same time, bringing about GHG reductions for each method or project undertaken.
News from GHGES
The new year is bringing with it many challenges. The price of fuel has climbed to new heights. Consequently, it’s becoming increasingly important to use it well not only for economic reasons but also out of respect for future generations. It must be understood that the energy content of non-renewable resources must be used at its maximum and that waste heat must be reduced to its minimum. It’s a responsibility that we all share.
There are many simple ways of reducing greenhouse gases (GHG). We are all aware of them. However, we sometimes forget that making small changes can have an impact both environmentally and economically. For example, how much GHG emissions could be cut by improving the ventilation in the cabins? How much money could be saved as a result? GHGES can do the calculations for you.
There are also methods that are a bit more complicated and that require advanced computations. GHGES can ferret out all the potential projects that will enable you to generate savings and lower your emissions. We will draw up tables that take into account the maximum acceptable rate of return, the internal rate of return and the net present value of each project.
Our estimates and calculations are highly accurate. They are often examined by external auditors associated with government programs and are in compliance with ISO standards. Our experts are certified and have carried out hundreds of projects. You can confidently place your trust in us.
Best wishes for 2022!
50% subsidies 100% GHGES experts
Energy Audit
Before taking corrective actions or implementing new methods to improve a ship’s energy efficiency, an accurate assessment of its condition must first be conducted.
This information is essential for identifying the most cost-effective projects and constitutes the baseline mesurement for proving the results obtained.
Preparing Applications for Financial Aid
Enable the shipowner to reduce project costs by means of a financial contribution from the Government. Contact GHGES for more details.
Sponsorship Program
Purpose: Create a culture of energy efficiency within the business.
Method: Meet with the main stakeholders (superintendents, fleet managers) and explain the program framework.
We provide classroom training on incorporating energy efficiency into individual ships as well as entire fleets. The basic principles governing energy conservation are also covered.
Organizing and Supporting Project Implementation
GHGES makes suggestions with respect to system upgrades, equipment choices and control logics. We also recommend specialized contractors who are qualified to do the work.
We perform the commissioning and start-up of the equipment.
Establishing a Monitoring and Follow-up Plan
A monitoring plan is an essential tool for proving results.
GHGES has the expertise (CMVP) to carry out the plan which, in turn, is critical to successfully completing projects and obtaining financial assistance. In addition, the company is able to demonstrate to shipowners the cost-effectiveness of their investments.
Are You Contemplating Building a New Ship?
Get an energy efficiency expert (CEM) from GHGES Marine Solutions to look over your drawings and plans.
Services for the Maritime Industry
Association of Energy Engineers
Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
Certified CMVP
Membre / Member AEE